Invest where innovation and growth flourish


Welcome to the fascinating world of Meidar GanEden! Learn more about our company, our innovative urban regeneration concept ‘Pinuy Binuy’, our projects and attractive investment opportunities. Fill in the contact form linked below to receive more information!

Our company

Meidar GanEden is a leading real estate company headquartered in Jerusalem that initiates and promotes residential projects throughout Israel. With offices in two other Israeli cities and a financing centre in Frankfurt, Germany, the fast-growing company is one of the top 100 leading companies according to the Duns Guide.


Pinuy-Binuy is an urban renewal process in Israel in which old buildings in danger of collapse are demolished and replaced with new ones. Introduced in 1998 by the Ministry of Housing, it improves the quality of life for residents, offers them modern flats with additional safety and comfort features and beautifies the cityscape with green neighbourhoods.

Attractive investments

Discover our platform that offers investments that are not only in line with your personal values, but also promise attractive returns. Be part of Israel's reconstruction by investing where the future is being shaped - in cities and communities characterised by steady growth and in a dynamic environment where innovative start-ups find their creative home in Tel Aviv.


"This land that was desolate has become like the Garden of Eden, and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are now fortified and inhabited!"

Ezekiel 36,35  

The Bible

Would you like to learn more about investment opportunities at Meidar GanEden? Contact us to receive more information.







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